Main Draw - Friday 22nd March - 17h00

O sorteio efetuado não é válido devido às novas regras do ITF.
Este será realizado no dia 22 de março pelas 17h na sala do Hotel Axis Vermar!!
Contamos com a vossa presença.

Due to new ITF rules the draw made is not valid.
The draw will be made on March 22 - 17h at the Hotel Axis Vermar lounge!
We count on your presence.

Main and Qualify DRAW!!

INFO - for ITF G3 in Póvoa de Varzim!!

- New ITF rules!!

--> "All draws shall be conducted in public by the offic
ial tournament Referee, with at
least two players present, one of whom shall be of
a different nationality to that of
the host country"

--> "The Qualifying Draw shall be made no later than 6.0
0pm (18:00 hours) local time
on the day before the start of the play of the qual
ifying event, if held. "

--> "The Main Draw shall be made no later than 6.00pm (1
8:00 hours) local time on the
day before the Main Draw. "

Jantar Buffet/Buffet Dinner